
The Bluff Country Hiking Club extends a special thank you to our sponsors and landowners.
Public use of this trail has been made available through the generosity of private landowners.
-Fillmore County Historical Society
-Kevin and Deen Narveson
-Eugene and Dorothy Horsman
-William and Steve Bailey
-Timothy M. and Susan C. M. Gossman
-The Erickson Family
The Lost Creek Hiking Trail is the product of hard work and generous donations by the Trail Blazer volunteers and the following businesses for donating their services, time, material, and talent.
-Chatfield FFA
-City of Chatfield
-Fillmore County Historical Society
-Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District
-Hammell Equipment
-J’s excavating
-Lori Dalrymple Graphic Design
-Manahan Machine Shop
-Maple Leaf Custom Cabinetry
-Mitch Gilbert, Private Forester
-Root River Rabbits